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Food can make you hungry, here is a list

A recent study shows that some food is increasing your Ghrelin (hunger hormone) level, thus making you more hungry and leaving you unsatisfied.

The study carried out by Dr James Brown from Aston University, Birmingham, revealed that the recruits who had fizzy sugary drinks consumed more food afterwards, in contrast to others who had non-fizzy sugary drinks or clear water.

It was discovered that Ghrelin levels were about 50% higher when people had a fizzy drink.

The increase wasn’t peculiar to drinking sugary fizzy drinks, as there was also a slight effect with carbonated water.

Dr Brown said, “If you group together the carbonated drinks and the non-carbonated drinks, they ate on average 120 calories more after they had had a carbonated drink than they ate after they had a non-carbonated drink, and that’s a really significant finding”.

Why should bubbles affect our hunger hormone?

Dr Brown asserts this could be due to two possible reasons;

“One is that after drinking a carbonated drink, carbon dioxide is released in your stomach. There are chemical receptors in the stomach which detect carbon dioxide and cause the cells at the top of the stomach to release Ghrelin and it makes you feel hungry.

“Another possibility is it is a mechanical thing. The stomach bloats and stretches a little bit from that extra gas and again that stimulates cells to release Ghrelin. Those are the best two possibilities in terms of mechanism”.

Some foods that can make you hungry more;

1. Fast foods

2. Sugary snacks

3. Carbonated drinks

Keep to the following at all cost

1. Avoid consuming Fast foods

2. Stop frequent Snacking

3. Cut down on Carbonated drinks

4. Eat every 4 hours

5. Eat high fibre foods like vegetables, salads

6. Sleep at least 7 hours at night

7. Eat animal protein at every meal

8. Reduce stress

9. Take Probiotics and bone broths

10. Increase Omega-3 intake, e.g Sardines

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